Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring has come to Western Kansas!!!

Spring is finally here!!! It's been warm enough outside lately for Austin to get out and do some major "little boy playing!" Adam and I spent the day (several Saturdays ago) moving the swingset up to the backyard for a certain little boy to enjoy! Not only did Austin enjoy it...he was climbing all over it without needing any help from mommy or daddy. I still have a hard time letting him just "take off" but find it a true gift to be blessed with such a content little boy!

Adam and I have been busy making plans for our summer containment of the little fellow. We plan to fence in the backyard as soon as possible to keep him closer to the house where I can definitely keep an eye on him as I begin my new career as a stay at home mom!
I can hardly wait for summer to hit and for us to begin this adventure! I would be fibbing if I said I wasn't nervous or anxious as to how this career change is going to go - but know that God has given us a wonderful opportunity to share with our family. To help ease the adjustment, we have lots planned to keep us busy. I am hoping to start potty-training Austin after school lets out in May. We are also making plans and have begun work on Austin's new "Big Boy" room. He will be making the move to the downstairs bedroom for his 2nd birthday, on June 21st. This is probably going to require a little more adjustment for Mommy than it will for Austin, as he's currently just down the hall from us. Finally...our hopefully - last - big adjustment will be our new addition coming mid-August. We can't wait for our new little one to arrive and neither can Austin. He points to mommy's belly and says baby - and then gives baby hugs and kisses!! XOXO!!

Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we begin this adventure! More less - you might just pray that God gives Austin and Adam the patience necessary, while I learn to adjust to my new career!

God Bless!!

1 comment:

Live, Laugh, Love! said...

Your family is soooo precious!!!