Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Austin's 1st Date!!!

Our little fella experienced his first date this week. Our school sponsors a LOCK-IN to encourage reading amoungst our K-6th Grade students. The lock-in was held last night at the school from 2:30-7:00. I helped until 5:00, and then ran out to the babysitter's house to pick up Austin and take him back to the school, so that I could help for a little longer.

Julie, a great friend and co-worker of mine, had her little girl with her. Trinity is 3 1/2 and just a doll! She also attends the same daycare as Austin does, so they're pretty well aquainted.

Austin and I walked into the Lock-In Carnival and Trinity just took him by the hand! She led him around for a while, before Austin got upset and looked to mom for a hug and some holding! There was a lot of action and a ton of kids...I think Austin was slightly intimidated!!!

I know Trinity's daddy is pretty concerned about all the little boys in town and their potential future interest in HIS little girl... BUT, I'm starting to think we need to keep an eye on that little Aldridge girl! :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Spring has come to Western Kansas!!!

Spring is finally here!!! It's been warm enough outside lately for Austin to get out and do some major "little boy playing!" Adam and I spent the day (several Saturdays ago) moving the swingset up to the backyard for a certain little boy to enjoy! Not only did Austin enjoy it...he was climbing all over it without needing any help from mommy or daddy. I still have a hard time letting him just "take off" but find it a true gift to be blessed with such a content little boy!

Adam and I have been busy making plans for our summer containment of the little fellow. We plan to fence in the backyard as soon as possible to keep him closer to the house where I can definitely keep an eye on him as I begin my new career as a stay at home mom!
I can hardly wait for summer to hit and for us to begin this adventure! I would be fibbing if I said I wasn't nervous or anxious as to how this career change is going to go - but know that God has given us a wonderful opportunity to share with our family. To help ease the adjustment, we have lots planned to keep us busy. I am hoping to start potty-training Austin after school lets out in May. We are also making plans and have begun work on Austin's new "Big Boy" room. He will be making the move to the downstairs bedroom for his 2nd birthday, on June 21st. This is probably going to require a little more adjustment for Mommy than it will for Austin, as he's currently just down the hall from us. Finally...our hopefully - last - big adjustment will be our new addition coming mid-August. We can't wait for our new little one to arrive and neither can Austin. He points to mommy's belly and says baby - and then gives baby hugs and kisses!! XOXO!!

Please continue to keep our family in your prayers as we begin this adventure! More less - you might just pray that God gives Austin and Adam the patience necessary, while I learn to adjust to my new career!

God Bless!!

Sunday, January 31, 2010


The past couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of emotion, for a variety of reasons. With the state's budget in peril, education has taken a big hit, statewide. Weskan has had to eliminate a couple teaching positions, mine included. I'll be employed through the summer and then we'll see what happens. I know I'll miss the relationships and interractions I have with the amazing girls at work. Its been rough to think about not going back to Weskan in the fall, but we also know that God doesn't close one door without opening another one, or a window. :)

Adam and I found out just before Christmas that we are expecting a new member into our family. Baby #2 is due to arrive the end of August. We are tremendously excited that God has blessed us with another child and a possible opportunity to stay home with both of our kiddos. I'm not sure that Austin is quite aware of our situation yet, but I'm sure he will be as we begin making plans for his brother or sister. We have pointed at my belly and said "Baby," but we're starting to wonder if Austin thinks baby is a new word for belly. :)

Who Knew ???

Austin has turned into quite the little "water baby!" His love of the bath and shower has changed dramatcally. For the longest time, Austin was thrilled to take a shower with Daddy. That love of the water has matriculated into his love of bath time. Each evening, after dinner, we ask Austin if it's bath time. Sure enough, he takes off running for his bathroom at full speed. Sometimes he is even trying to climb into the bath tub before we can get his clothes off. Other nights, he is helping get the clothes off so that he can get into the warm, wet, suds!

His new favorite hobby in the bathtub is to play with caps...any kind of caps. Shower gel caps, harispray caps, you name it. Lately, he has enjoyed putting them on his feet to cover his toes and putting them on the shower knobs. What a joy it is to watch him play, laugh, and discover life!!!

Its been a while!!!

There are a few of you who have been houding me to update this - and I feel like a horrible mom for not having done it sooner! Here goes. Austin is now 19 months old and just a big, big helper around the house. He loves helping mommy load the washer and the dryer and feeding the doggie. Trapper waits patiently at the backdoor for Austin to give him his doggie treats! He is such a good "kid" dog.

Austin's doggie love isn't just limited to his doggie...over Christmas, we spent some time with Aunt Kim and Cousins Kayla & Ethan. They have a little dog named Prince, who Austin was just fascinated with. Must be something about little men and their best friends!