Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Austin's 1st Date!!!

Our little fella experienced his first date this week. Our school sponsors a LOCK-IN to encourage reading amoungst our K-6th Grade students. The lock-in was held last night at the school from 2:30-7:00. I helped until 5:00, and then ran out to the babysitter's house to pick up Austin and take him back to the school, so that I could help for a little longer.

Julie, a great friend and co-worker of mine, had her little girl with her. Trinity is 3 1/2 and just a doll! She also attends the same daycare as Austin does, so they're pretty well aquainted.

Austin and I walked into the Lock-In Carnival and Trinity just took him by the hand! She led him around for a while, before Austin got upset and looked to mom for a hug and some holding! There was a lot of action and a ton of kids...I think Austin was slightly intimidated!!!

I know Trinity's daddy is pretty concerned about all the little boys in town and their potential future interest in HIS little girl... BUT, I'm starting to think we need to keep an eye on that little Aldridge girl! :)