Thursday, March 26, 2009

9 Months Old!!!

It hardly seems possible, but Austin is now 9 months old! Where does the time go? We had a 9 month check-up on Tuesday and he weighed in at a healthy 20 lbs. and has grown to a length of 28 inches. He is turning into 1 big boy!

Austin is almost walking...we're just not quite there yet. He's still cruising around any piece of furniture he can reach and is now taking 3-4 steps from Daddy to Mommy and back again. He has been shaking his head (as if to say no), but last week he started doing it when someone else does it. And, to add to that - this week he hit yet another milestone. Austin will now wave "bye-bye!" Our little guy is turning into 1 very grown up little guy!