Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Clothes in the Dryer Go Round and Round...

Austin had a ton of fun last night. He crawled over to the dryer, climbed up, and watched as the clothes tumbled around inside. Daddy laughed and said, "Like mother, like son" and I had to correct him. I told him that I only did that when they were brand new - kinda like getting a new toy. Austin has done that several times and even likes sitting in the dryer (of course, with the door open) while it has warm clothes inside. What a kiddo!

A Special Message from Austin...

vdxhgf v n, mg h cvv ngf g d t,t5mrjh nnm4f f th nln n m

*You can't tell from this (the computer took out the spaces), but he really likes the spacebar!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rub a dub, dub...three duckies in a tub.

Wait, make that 2 rubber duckies and one, very happy, splashin' little boy! All this time, Austin has been much more fond of taking showers with Daddy than taking baths and splashing. That all changed last week. Adam was gone for County Commissioner Training and Austin and I spent three days and two nights at home without him.

It was nearing bath -n- bed time Wednesday evening, when I got him in the tub to begin his nightly wind-down routine. Usually, he'll raise his arms to be picked up (this happens fairly frequently), but not this time. I attempted to pick him up several times, but he was much more interested in playing with his duckies than he was at getting out of the bath tub, dried off, and into some cozy jammies. What a little quacker! He was finally done splashin around about 10 minutes later.